Matchbox Monday shows off the latest promotionals from Leipzig
This last weekend was the 22nd Annual Matchbox European Convention. Dirk Schleuer sets this up at the hotel just across the way from the Modell-Hobby-Spiel, a huge event that takes place each year at the end of September/beginning of October. As is always the case, he does create some unique items for the event. Did you like the orange bag used in the cover photo?

Perhaps a nice orange cap? Thanks Dirk for these. Of course, for many, Matchbox takes centre stage, and as is the custom nowadays, Dirk has created a series of 4 models for the event. This has been the norm since 2018. Dirk has also kindly sent me an example of each of the 4 models created for the event.

As is the norm, each model has been housed in a plexicase, and each case inside a cardboard box. You might notice that one of these boxes is a different colour. Why?

Well, if you have been following things for a while, you might know that there is the convention model, and this is sold through Dirk's stall based inside the Modell-Hobby-Spiel. A 300-piece limited edition run of….

The new MB1407 Porsche 910. Oh yes, Dirk went with Porsche for this year. I am happy. Porsche being my favourite car manufacturer.

Doesn't this look amazing! Okay, I may be biased. Porsche lover! It is a pale orange colour, with a lot of white striping over it. Mind you, it does need to come out of the case to see it better.

Lid comes off. A better view of the model.

I have been noticing that on premium stuff, hologram stickers do seem to be making appearances. These all have a Porsche sticker on the bottom of the case.

And now the model is loose, I can just reiterate the wow! The flowing white lines, the black Porsche strip down the sides, and 22 roundel. There are extra touches. Notice Dirk's name over the driver's door? The Leipziger Messe logo aswell as Modell-Hobby-Spiel. Porsche badges. 70th Anniversary logo. And I love the wheels. They even detailed in the engine cover hooks. The detailing is phenomenal.

I do notice that there are a lot of colours on this model. 2 lots of red shade in the rear lights. The black, white, blue, silver, gold.

Gold being in the Porsche badge, if anybody was busy scratching their heads. The headlights have yellow in them. That is a total of 8 different tampo colours. Or this could be something else. I can't really tell. What I see is a lot of colour to the model. Most of which is very small. That is the level of detailing that has been applied here.

It has some lovely chunky real riders on the model. They do suit it very well.

I think this is definitely a great look. I think it may have been influenced by VAS 103. This is the registration plate of a real Porsche 910.

That one is white, but the red flowing stripes do appear fairly similar. At least from the front. Obviously, Matchbox went their own way. But I do see the influence.

And I just wanted to point out, these are heavy. They have metal bases. I believe the MB1407 casting will only come with a metal base, as the Porsche 910 is being looked at as a purely premium casting. This is something that the Matchbox team are actively doing now, as they try to build up a premium database of castings.

Then there is the convention itself. There are 225 models created for the convention, and this took place Saturday evening inside the hotel. They come in the darker brown cardboard boxes. There are 3 levels to the convention model. The most common is the standard dinner model. There were 125 made of this model.

This one is red, with white striping.

So, the complete opposite of VAS 103. I love a red Porsche! Spoiler alert. This is my favourite of the 4. Red is my favourite colour. It was going to be tough to do something that tops it.

Well, you know what is coming. The lid comes off, showing off the lovely lines better.

I have to say, the white against the red really pops. This is stunning!

I have to say again how well the Matchbox team with this model. An amazing end result.

As can be seen clearer here, there is no passenger. Just Dirk driving. Lucky Dirk! Ha ha!

Now this really amazes me. The model is red. Yet, they still did a 2-tone red rear light print. I am guessing that it is just the exact tampo used for all the others, so why not. But that dark red ring is noticeable, and the red on the end of the light? It is a different red to the body paint. It is brighter.

Yeah, I am loving this.

So, for an average person, they may be able to get the red dinner model (1 of 125) to go with the orange show model (1 of 300).

And have 2 different Porsches. But not all will stop there.

Because, as has been the case since 2020 (thanks Covid), on top of the regular dinner model is a 1 of 75 example of the “Best Buddy”, which is basically for those who bring somebody with them.

And for this, we get a blue one. Best Buddy Blue. The 3 “B”s.

This is the darkest of the models, and again that white really pops against this fairly dark shade of blue.

Obviously, they would need to go with quite a dark blue. The Leipziger Messe logo is also blue, and this does need to be visible on the side. It is. I think that is something that worked in this look's favour. No light shade. I like the way this one looks.

This is definitely a fantastic look. Had it not been for the other being, well, red, this would have been a big favourite to me. We do get a lot of blue Porsches in the Matchbox range. In fact, out of all those that are no longer made, only the original 910 and 944 Turbo never saw a blue release. Most current castings have seen blue, with the Cayman and '85 911 Rally (as well as most from the last 2 years) still to see a blue issue.

A seriously impressive look.

I am just doing extra views now. The overall design for all of these is the same, so there is not a lot extra I can add.

So this is the Best Buddy model done.

That gives us 3. The 1 of 75 Best Buddy joins the 1 of 125 Dinner and 1 of 300 Show models.

But there is 1 more. You might guess what it will look like,

Of course. Pink! Very rare. Limited to only 25 examples. These are given to those who help with the convention.

This is a stunner in its own way.

Because, when you take the lid off, the first thing you notice is the beautiful satin finish. The other convention models are a standard gloss finish. Although the show model in orange is a satin style. But that didn't strike you immediately. This does!

I admit, I was never much of a pink fan. I always saw it as a faded red. Ha ha! But, some models work very well in pink. This one definitely falls into that category. Out of all the pink models that we have seen from The helper models that Dirk has made, I think this may be my 2nd favourite. Well, there was one on the Porsche 911 Turbo. My favourite car.

Although, I have to say, this paint finish is nicer. It really makes that white stand out again.

Normally, a pink model would be bottom of my list. I did mention how they were a faded red, didn't I? But in this case, I would place this in a close battle with the blue over second spot.

And, if you were to check the Lamley blog, there is one now in Auction C. One sold in Auction A last week. You have 1 more chance to grab one if you want it.

I am definitely blown away by it. I am sure you will if you were to win one. Good luck, if you go for it.

Which brings me to the end of the rundown. Nothing too much with this. Just the 4 models. Orange (show model, 1 of 300), red (dinner model, 1 of 125), blue (best buddy model, 1 of 75) and pink (helper model, 1 of 25).

A total of 525 models. All 4 are stunners.

Thanks again to Dirk Schleuer, for supplying me with these models to do a rundown of. Don't forget to check the Lamley blog for a full list of all Auction C models. They will be finishing at 2pm (Berlin time GMT+2), on Sunday 8th October 2023. A chance to grab one of these lovely pink examples, as well as some other pre-production/FEP samples.

That is it from me for this week. Next week, I think I will be keeping things premium. Until then, good luck on any auction bids (unless you are bidding against me, then stop it), have a safe and happy week, and see you all next Monday.
The awsome event I have attend with my fellow-collectors again as same as many years ago. Many thanks to Dirk and his team, many thanks to Abe Lugo and all feast evening participants. Enjoy new models and happy collecting.
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