The Legendary Hot Wheels "BLUE CARDS!"
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Hot off the truck this week! Re-Stock of Silhouettes, New 2025 Off Road Car Culture Case H, New Team Transport Case F, New Fast & Furious Case K and New 2025 Pop Culture Case J.
Hot off the truck this week! Re-Stock of Silhouettes, New 2025 Off Road Car Culture Case H, New Team Transport Case F, New Fast & Furious Case K and New 2025 Pop Culture Case J.
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The Hot Wheels 'BLUE CARDS' refer to several years in the 90s when Mattel completely revamped and changed the Hot Wheels cardbacks and design to primarily blue.
So whenever you hear about this particular phrase, most people are referring to the first few years in the 90s! There are several gems from the blue cards, and we will list them as we get them in. As with most of our backstock, 90s cars are 30 years old, so we just wont have a ton of any item so if you see something you like from this time period- you better grab it!
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