Matchbox Monday finishes off 2025 Basics batch B

Batch B of the 2025 Matchbox basic range consists of 10 models, but also has something exclusive if you happen to be by a Target store in the USA. Wheel Collectors sent me over this batch, but obviously the Target Red was sourced from elsewhere. A few weeks ago I went through the first half of the batch that was sent over, and this week I am finishing off, as well as checking out Red.

You might remember me talking about the fact that Wheel Collectors received both power grabs and long cards. They were dated a week apart, and they sent over both. Like with this MB1283 '12 BMW 3-series Touring. It takes the MB11 slot in the basic range for 2025, and comes in blue.

And already I am having fun. Light and dark shades of blue? Yes, please. I love it. BMW has a few blue shades of their own, and I think this is replicating the Portimao Blue option, which is one of their more popular colour choices. Although, is the lighter or darker shade closer to it? Ha ha! Not that I care. I am thoroughly enjoying the shade variation to this.

And, coupled with a brown interior, clear windows and chrome double 10-spoke wheels, I think this is a stunning look. Simple front and rear tampo printing sets it off perfectly, and I am very happy to see a brighter colour option released of this one. Although....

Was it released too soon after the MB1231 '20 Mercedes-Benz CLA Shooting Brake? That was only released in the previous batch, and due to there being 2 blue wagons, it was not carried over into the new batch. Which is a real shame, as that Merc was also a lovely model and deserved a little more availability. So, when it comes to scoring the BMW, I am giving it a 10 for what they have done. But, there is a footnote. It shouldn't have been released in batch B. They should have released it later in the year, after the Merc has cycled through easily. Mind you, I noticed that the last Merc Shooting Brake also only ran one batch. Is this a thing with this model?

This is definitely the brightest the BMW has been. It debuted in 2022 in black.

For 2023, it flipped to the opposite, coming in white.

2024 saw 2 releases. A regular grey and a Super Chase metallic grey. That was the first one that started to splash a little colour on the model.

I did have a look at the official BMW colour options for the 2022 s-series. Black, white, various greys, 3 different blues, and.... red and bronze. So, are we going to be looking forward to seeing a red one and a bronze one in future releases? Of course, the Super Chase was not an official colour, so we may see some random looks beyond the standard. And do you think they may randomly release a Polizei one, even without a light bar? Either way, I am still looking forward to seeing more of these.

We appear to be moving back towards the throes of lots of construction vehicles. Matchbox has a habit of dipping in and out of trying to sell lots of construction vehicles. Every 5-10 years, they decide to give it another go. After a few years, they start dialling it back again. I know they try. But, when it comes to construction stuff, they tend to be more of a niche market than cars are. So, they will never be the biggest sellers. The MB948 Ground Breaker has made a return to the basic range for the first time since 2019. It takes the MB20 slot in the 2025 range, and is another sporting the recent MBX Construction theme.

The thing is, this is not a bad casting. It first arrived in 2007 (as MB707), and was a Matchbox originals design in the midst of the 2005-11 golden age of the brand. After Hero City dive bombed, they completely overhauled the brand, and this was a positive thing, as sales shot up, and it became a player again. We saw some original castings, and the Ground Breaker was a decent enough model. It was realistic. It still is.

It has play value. The scoop on the front goes up and down. It has a tow hook on the back. And I love that this new MBX Construction theme has exploded all over the brand. Not just in basics, but also Convoy and Working Rigs. I am still waiting for a Moving Parts pickup to get the MBX Construction theme. Idea for the future, maybe? So, as a lover of recurring themes, I am going to score this a 10. But, I don't know if others are seeing the same. In the UK, we jumped straight into 2025 with the first 2 batches, and I am seeing this as one of the biggest peg warmers. It seems to be what the kids are leaving behind. I think it is purely down to being a construction vehicle, and they are just not as popular.

I don't think I have ever done a dive back on this model before. As I said, its last basic was in 2019, and I started my blogs in 2020. So, I think this is ripe for a good dive. As I noted, it started (under the MB707 MAN number) in 2007. This was also an orangey colour. It is a bit of a go-to colour.

Although the 2008 basic range release was a proper orange. This was good for a shade or 2. However, with the range splitting between 3 markets for 4 years at this point, only US and ROW markets saw it. The LAAM market did not include this one.

Although this was far from the end of 2008 releases. A teal release was in the Construction 5-pack, and this alternate orange release was part of the Construction Kings Hitch & Haul set.

We also had another orangey look in the Construction Kings DVD set. Yes, 2008 saw them release some DVDs. And, the German exclusive Stars of Germany (2002-2003) became Stars of Cars (2004-2007 so non-German cars could be included), and in 2008, for 2 final years, it was completely rebranded as Euro Edition. And they bizarrely threw this in, in a pale yellow with an English written side design. It did seem a little out of place compared to other utility style vehicles with German writing on them.

And, finally in the 2008 section, we had an Action 10-pack exclusive release in red. Yes, 6 different 2008 releases for this one model.

For 2009, the model was chosen to be released in 2 different colours in the basic range, and a yellow and orange release with the same design was sold worldwide.

It was given another Construction 5-pack outing, this time in grey.

2010 saw 3 outings. The basic range was again limited to US and ROW markets (LAAM being left out), as most saw a red model. It was also a 5-pack release again in orange, with the pack being known as Construction Kings this time. We also saw a rather strange Forest Ranger recurring themed look in darker mint as part of the Action 10-pack exclusive set. Although I love recurring themes, so I loved it for being so unique.

2011 was the last year of the 4-way split between markets, and as well as LAAM not getting this blue one, neither did the ROW market. It was a US exclusive.

It was again a part of this year's Construction 5-pack. This time it was in green, which was another that saw shade variations.

In 2012, we saw the brand move away from their path just a little. This was the sole release. Part of the unified basic range, with a Dino theme to the side.

2013 saw this yellow release in the basic range. However, this is the point where things changed. Mid-way through production, the original MB707 was altered into the updated MB948.

This mainly involved how the scoop was being added to the model. Originally, it was pulled around the outside and clicked into place. This was quite an awkward build. So, they altered the scoop to a single piece, and reconstructed the whole lower half to allow it to be dropped in place and the base added after, riveted in place, and holding it in place. Much easier.

2014 saw the model in white as both a basic range and a Construction Zone 5-pack model. This was during the period where 5-packs kept seeing basic models mixed in the packs. 

2015 saw the model in orange in the basic range, and red in a Fire Commanders Mission Force set. Another out of the box addition.

Another white issue (and none of these were Ranec) was seen in the Construction Zone 5-pack for 2016. This was the first time it was not a part of the basic range since it debuted.

It was back in basics for 2017, with this red release.

For 2018, it was a part of the Ocean Construction 5-pack in orange. I did see a little shading to that one.

For 2019, they started bringing back non-exclusive 5-packs. One of the earliest was the MBX Construction pack, which saw this return in the look from the 2009 basic range. However, as I noted, it went through a change in 2013, so this is an updated casting.

And it was also a part of the basic range. Its last outing before the latest there. It saw an INC look, and the scoop at the front was good for a shade of yellow.

Although, between then and now, it did see a 5-pack outing in 2022. It was a part of the Road Crew II pack in greeny yellow. And with this now seeing the new MBX Construction theme, I am still waiting on a Ranec!

After something old, how about something new. 2025 sees Matchbox create a newer Dodge Charger Pursuit. MB1509 is a '23 version. The pursuit name is given to the police package of the Charger. Something that started in 2010, as originally it was just known as the police package. When the 7th generation was launched in 2011, Matchbox were pretty quick in getting a model out. Originally scheduled to launch in 2012, it actually turned up in 2013, saw a modification for 2014, and has been used quite a lot since. It was last used as a Target Red in 2024. But, they thought it was better to get a facelifted version of it out there. A new 8th generation is now out, and a model of that as a civilian car is coming later this year, with it being the Daytona (or electric) variant. But, although there is going to be a pursuit version of that, the last look of the previous generation as a pursuit has been created as well. It takes the MB37 slot in the basic range in black.

This casting was created by Abe Lugo, and he has done an excellent job with it. The casting is very well executed, and the shape has been captured extremely well.

As is the norm with these pursuit vehicles, we get a push bar at the front. This is a part of the base section, which is the standard way that they create them. However, I don't know if this is paint related, but the front corners don't seem to be as well done. The hood is well crafted. And, as we know, light bars are now a part of the window (cost-cutting exercise), which means we either get clear lights, or coloured windows. I wonder what happened to their plan for creating multicoloured plastic pieces? There was talk of looking at it years ago, but I guess the cost is also too high. It hardly seems worth cost-cutting, if the cost for multicoloured plastic is as much as 2 parts.

Again, the rear does look a little bland. I know with a lot of modern vehicles, we now have almost seamless joins between the metal bodies and plastic lights, but with the likelihood that this will rarely ever be detailed up, I think it would have been cool to etch the light detail into the back of the model. At least it would give it an illusion of a little depth to the rear.

From above, the model looks great. Also, the sides look amazing. And, one of the things I love is the side design. Well, all the design.

Because, you know me and recurring themes (I literally just talked about it above), and this is the same design as the 2014 Mission Force Police release of the MB860 '13 Ford Explorer. You cannot go wrong with a recurring theme.

I thought it would also be useful to bring in the last basic range Charger to do a little comparison. The MB1168 '18 Dodge Charger. This was a civilian model. It has been in the basic range for 6 years (2019-2024), although I don't yet know if we will see a 2025 outing. I doubt it, to be honest. The black model was its 2023 release.

The sizes are what I would call compatible. The new one is slightly longer due to having the push bar. But the main body is pretty much the same size.

The width of the 2 are also about the same. They appear to have made the new one to about the same scale, which makes them work well together. I like that.

But, where that had a rather bland rear end to the casting, it was made up for with tampo detailing, bringing it to life. I do think when it comes to creating a model which will mainly see side tampo outings, a little more casting effort should be put into the front and rear of the body.

So, scoring this one. Inclusion. Well, since the last Pursuit Charger, we have seen 2 different civilian ones. The 2018 as shown above, and a 2020 SRT in Moving Parts. I think it is often worth updating a casting to a current look. I am happy for them to do it, and will score it a 10. Casting. The slight blandness to the front and rear, which will not be enhanced by tampos is a little bit of a bug bear to me. I know it is not a major thing. If this sees a premium outing, it will look spectacular! So, I can't really score it bad for it. But, I also can't give it a top mark. So, a 9 it is. Design. Recurring. Instant 10! So, that is a total of 29 out of 30. I think that is a solid debut.

And, as it is a new casting, a quick base shot to finish.

The 4th model in the batch is a Tesla. Hmm! Which one? Oh, the MB1355 Model S. This casting is now on year 2 in the basic range (boy, that came quickly), and is MB42 for 2025 in blue.

As we know, the colour choices for real life Tesla models are not that wide. Black, white, a few greys, blue and red. Many people have customized them into different colours since purchasing them. But, as a rule, Matchbox often sticks with the stock looks. Which means this is a blue that matches the Model 3, Model X, Model Y and Roadster. That is why sometimes I think to myself, which one is this?

But, to be honest, if they are in stock colours, and feature front and rear tampo printing, a smoke windows, and gunmetal wheel hubs, I really cannot fault it. How can it be improved? It just can't. So, this is getting a 10.

It may have felt quite fast in getting 3 years of basic range outings. There is a reason. This is the second batch of 2025. So, it is very early in the year. The original white (or creamy white if you find a shade like me) was released in a late 2023 batch. So, we have only been seeing this for less than a year and a half. Half the time you think of when you say 3 years.

And 2024 saw a basic range release in dark red with black wheels and the name Tesla on the rear licence plate.

Not to be confused with the 20th Anniversary Tesla 5-pack release in dark red, as this came with gunmetal wheels and the logo on the rear plate.

Which means that this year's basic has followed the path of the 5-pack from 2024. Both previous basics had something written on the rear plate and black wheels.

I did want to point out that the original Model S casting saw a blue outing, but it was a much darker blue than this one.

And, although that had a dark red and a creamy white release.

It had a 4th look. A dark grey. I wonder if this is foreshadowing what is coming next for this one?

This is the last of the new items that Wheel Collectors sent over for batch B. I will clarify why after I review the MB1438 '22 Infiniti QX80. For 2025, it takes the MB54 slot in the range and appears in dark red.

Did you forget I was doing a power grab box vs long car comparison? The BMW at the start of this report has a shade between the 2. So does the Infiniti. Cool beans. Infiniti call this Coulis Red. Named after the coulis, which is formed from straining or puréeing vegetables or fruit, I am guessing they were thinking of strawberries or raspberries. Both are a popular fruit for turning into a coulis. As we saw with the debut look last year, the model sports a simple front and rear tampo.

Also featuring a black interior, and simple 6-spoke wheels, there really is nothing wrong with this. I think it is a lovely addition, and I don't think I am the only one, as it appears to be a decent seller. I prefer this to the debut, and am easily giving this a perfect 10. This is exactly the sort of item I want to see them do. A modern vehicle. Completely standard. Realistic. Every box ticked.

And if you were trying to remember last year's debut, it was grey.

And with both receiving the exact same tampo, they make a perfect pairing.

Can you believe that this is in year 2, and is halfway to matching the first Infiniti that Matchbox made? That was the MB809 Infiniti G37, which debuted in 2011 in blue, saw a second outing in 2016 in grey, a third in red in 2021 and a fourth release in 2024 in black. It looks like they are picking up the pace a little on Infiniti releases.

I did mention that the Infiniti was the last of the new items from Wheel Collectors. But, it was not the last item from them. Bizarrely, The MB1436 '66 Ducati 250 Scrambler from the Indiana Jones licence made a reappearance here. It was a part of the 2024 series, and still has the number 6 of 100 note on the package. But, the package has been upgraded to the 2025 style. I have no idea why it was randomly brought back. It is 100% identical to before. If you like different card art, then this is for you. If not, because you may be like me and opening things, it is just a weird return.

I am still not done. As we know, even numbered batches found in Target stores will feature a "Red" issue. These are exclusive to Target stores in the USA, usually. 2024 saw a few random issues. The Dodge Coronet was being found in Australian discount stores. The Honda E was almost impossible to find. And, sadly, Target skipped the last batch of 2024, moving from the 11th batch into the first of 2025. So the last Target Red of 2024, the Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Polizia, was cancelled. That means, if you were lucky enough to track down all that did appear, you would have been able to find 5. As I said, the Lambo was not made. But, as we move into 2025, I am hopeful that the glitches surrounding the 2024 releases will have been fixed, and we will not be skipping any of the 6 models that are being planned for 2025. As with 2024, it appears that they are not being sold in number order. However, at least they have the total correct. This is number 6 of 6. The MB1430 '68 Chevy C10.

I think this is very tastefully done. We see the front being detailed, and the sides get a little white stripe and chrome pin striping. A couple of extra touches adorn the sides as well. I think having a white interior really matches the model as well.

We don't get a rear tampo hit, but this is a 3 pass through the tampo machine model. For a basic, that is good going. I am really impressed with it, and I much prefer it to the debut. I am giving this an easy 10, and hoping that I will be able to score 5 more Target Reds over the year.

As you know, last year was in turquoise. Both as a new single casting, then, after being included in 9-packs, it later became an 8-pack exclusive on top. I don't know how they can call it an exclusive after being found in another multipack and as a single.

But I do think this is a lovely casting. I know the next basic is not far away, and I'm already looking forward to that.

But, this also means I am at the end of another report. 6 models reported on this week (well you could say 7 if you include the brief mention of the Ducati again). Only 1 new casting. The 2023 Dodge Charger Pursuit.

2 completely different red vehicles. A modern dark red SUV and classic bright red pickup.

As well as 2 blues in the way of the cars, and a construction vehicle. Quite a mix. I hope you enjoyed my latest ramblings.

Next week sees me "working" through another range of models. Until then, I hope everybody has a safe and happy week.

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