Matchbox Monday combs through 2025 Collectors batch A


For 2025, Matchbox continues on with the traditional 20 models in the Collectors series. In 2023, they did manage to eke it up to 22, but 2 of them never appeared. So, we still ended up with 20. Doh! It may be just me, but I am enjoying the more premium content, and would love to see this range get increased. Not as much as others (looking at Moving Parts, which I want at 75), so I am thinking maybe up this to 30? Still continue with the 5 per batch, but add 2 more batches, and have them come in every 2 months. I love the castings that they create, and when they are allowed to go nuts with full tampo printing for Collectors (and Mattel Creations), it really showcases the very best of the castings. As I said, I may be in the minority. But, I always want more Matchbox. Basics is up to 125 this year. Let's start upping the others as well.

And, for this year's set of 20, they have simply released the first 5 in number order. That makes it very easy to follow. Number 1. The MB1421 Mercedes-Benz EQS (which is being dated as a 2022 model on the package). For those who may have forgotten, this was previewed at the 2023 Matchbox Convention in Albuquerque, as one of the new toolings due to arrive in the 2024 Collectors series. This is why it is MB1421, which fits in with the other new 2024 Collectors models.

It debuts in what Mercedes-Benz calls Hyacinth Red. It also feels very heavy.

That will be why. It is a double diecast model, with a metal body and metal base. Quite a number of the premium castings debuting recently have seen this configuration, which means that this will only be seen in premium guises. It doesn't have any opening features, much like the Subaru that debuted last year.

Unlike the recent electric G-Wagon that arrived recently, that came up with the most convoluted name in recent times, this is easy. EQS. The G-Wagon is a bit of an oddity, as this is based on the normal G-Wagon, hence the long name. But, the EQS is a part of the new exclusive electric sub-genre of the Mercedes-Benz range, built on dedicated platforms. The EQS is sort of similar to the standard S-Class, but it is not. Hence, this having a short name, and just about every other electric Merc getting a short name, with the G-Class with EQ Technology being the exception.

I have no idea why it got delayed. Maybe Mercedes-Benz asked for a delay as they wanted to get this G-Class with EQ Technology thing promoted. As you know, when it was launched, the Matchbox model was showcased with the real vehicle. I wonder if Mercedes-Benz wanted that to be the first electric Merc out, and this got nudged back until it was out. I might be way off with my conjecture. I don't work for Mattel, but I know that they deal with a lot of issues behind the scenes, leading to some models being delayed or dropped. Not everything works out. However, they do have a good relationship with the Mercedes-Benz brand at the moment, leading to a number of really nice models arriving. Is the EQS nice? Well, to be honest, as with many electric vehicles, it tends to be a little bland. However, Mercedes-Benz know this. "BEV and electrified high-tech ICE models will exploit their respective strengths, without sacrificing space, elegance, convenience or efficiency." This is a quote from Mercedes-Benz about the future. Sales of electric vehicles in 2024 dropped by 23%, which is worse than Audi's 8% drop. However, it was noted that BMW's electric sales went up by 11.6%, which is thought to be because BMW are not making their electric vehicles look too dissimilar to their ICE vehicles. Some of the EQ-series models that Mercedes-Benz have launched have been mooted as being a bit egg-shaped. Or, pebble-styling as they try to tout it as. So, the next generation will feel much more like their similarly marketed (size-wise) ICE counterparts. So, the EQS will look much more like an S-Class. Hopefully that will reverse their electric sales slump. Either that, or people are getting bored of electric cars. I am waiting for hydrogen cars to become the norm.

So, when it comes to the model, Matchbox has nailed it. As they often do, with Garry Gopinath being the mastermind behind this creation, it looks just like the real vehicle. Which is great. It should. But, this also makes this a little bland. I can see why Mercedes-Benz lost almost a quarter of electric car sales in 2024. The G-Class with EQ Technology may be a long name, but it is based on the regular G-Class, and looks fairly similar. So, the electric model looks really nice. Had this been more akin to the regular S-Class, I think it would have been better, both in real life and in miniature. The EQ design language is not currently at its best. Hopefully, the fact that Mercedes-Benz themselves have picked up on it, and are already looking at changing, is a positivce step.

Being a premium model, this model does not have the roof as part of the body, but the moonroof area is all that is a part of the window. The sides and pillars are still a part of the body. I am okay with that. I know many real cars are sort of constructed in this way, and shrinking that down to miniature does work. I am just not a fan of when they just make the whole upper area out of the window piece. It makes a model look a little cheap, and that really wouldn't work on a premium car. This still looks (and feels, because of the weight), premium.

When it comes to detailing, there really isn't an awful lot that they can do beyond the front and rear. The side windows were given a silver strip around them, as was another silver strip along the lower side. Beyond that, I can't think of any further detailing they could do. I am surprised the wheels are 5-spoke. With the fact that Mercedes-Benz asked for special wheels for modern basics, I am surprised they didn't ask for something for premium too. That was my initial thought of the delay, until I saw it with a standard wheel on it.

So, how to score this? Well, let's start with inclusion. I know Mattel are trying to put more electric vehicles in the range. You know, promote greener issues. But, I bet kids are still going vroom vroom as they roll them around. There are a lot of electric vehicles around now, so I see why they are adding them as well. It is what you see. As to whether this particular one is worth including? Hmm! The G-Class with EQ Technology was cool. This, not so much. But, then, most of the EQ-series are a little, what can I say, meh! It is different to other models. It does of stand out. So, I going to give it a 7. Casting? Garry nailed it. A perfect 10 for the casting. Design. Is it me, or does the silver side striping look a little weird? Why was it not tampo printed a plain silver? The colour is beautiful, and the detailing itself is great. But, I think a simple plain look to that silver trim would have been better. So, I am giving it a 9. A total score of 26 out of 30. It is not the best, but not awful either. I will be happy to see another, which may not be this year or next, the way these premium castings randomly appear.

Number 2 in the series is the MB1455 Bizzarini 5300GT Corsa Revival. One of the stars of last year's Moving Parts series gets an upgrade in green.

When this debuted last year, I was blown away by how much they got out of a Moving Parts release. So much detailing. I wonder how they have enhanced it?

Well, it has real riders. The Moving Parts one didn't. And it came with a box. Wait, where did the box go? Ah, yes, recycling. The box was unimportant to me. I know this is harkening back to a classic time, and some love the included box, but it isn't for me. So, wheels. I really need to bring in the other to check.

Ooh, there we go. It does have a little more detailing added to the front. I was amazed how much they got in the 2024 Moving Parts debut, but it looks like they couldn't quite get everything. Very close, though.

As both have the same rear and engine detailing. The roundels are in the same place, as this is how real ones come.

As you can see, the sides also have the same detailing. It looks amazing. Plus, it also showcases how much they managed to squeeze on to a core issue.

This new release is painted green, which is a nod to the final model actually built by them. It is officially called Bizzarrini Verde Bosco Ventiquattro, and was copied from the green flecked hue on a concours-winning original example from the USA. And you know what? I don't think they could have done anything more with this one. It is absolutely fantastic. I am scoring this a perfect 10 again. This is an amazing casting, and if they keep releasing it like this in either premium or core guises, I will keep lapping them up.

Ooh! The MB1347 '70 Honda N600 Off Road is here again. After debuting in the 2023 basic range, I saw it was absent from the 2024 range. However, it made an appearance as a Toy Fair model, of all things. And now, it gets another premium outing. This time, a little more easily available as it takes the number 3 slot in the series in red.

As soon as I saw this, I liked the familiar theme. The D.E.R. theme was one of Michael Heralda's creations in the late 2000s, and has recently started to gain traction again after fading away in the mid 2010s.

Although, when I look at the side, I am seeing no sign of Michael Heralda's Easter Egg logos. An A58 or something similar. It is a busy design, but it is a rally vehicle. What would you expect? I also see that the wheels look much like the basic disc wheels, but are real riders. There does appear to be a wider range of wheels appearing now. I think these debuted recently on the Triumph TR6.

Being a premium release, it gets a rear end detail as well. I love the little Honda name check on the boot (or trunk) handle.

And I love the bonnet (or hood) tampo as well. However, there is one thing I was sad not to see. The bunny ears. They are plain.

Yes, I know, they are not bunny ears. They are roof-mounted lights. But, I was expecting to see them get detailed as this is a premium outing. They even showed it on the artwork. It does let the model down. Which is a huge shame. I can't believe they didn't print them. If there was a limit to the amount of passes on a premium model, they should have gone with them instead of the hood. As much as I like the hood, I would have preferred these to get detailed up. So, I am scoring this a 9 out of 10. Detail the bunny ears!

I would expect them to be plain on a core range model. Like the 2023 basic range debut was.

But, they didn't even do it for the Toy Fair release recently.

Bunny ears, bunny ears, bunny ears. If you keep repeating it, it may get stuck in their brains for a future outing. Bunny ears!

Oh, wow! This looks incredible. The MB1468 '78 Ford Bronco returns for 2025 as both a Collectors and a Moving Parts release. The Moving Parts will come later, but this gets a little extra detailing as number 4 in the series.

I don't know if others think the same, but I think this looks incredible. I love the black and very 70s era, red, orange and yellow design.

Although the orange is quite dark, and as a fade, it almost looks like a light red in the middle. In fact, it may be. Are my eyes going?

Nope, it is orange. Because, this is a real look. Doesn't it look fantastic, and Matchbox has replicated it perfectly. Of course, the wheels are not exactly the same, but I don't really expect that. They don't do a gazillion styles of wheel. But, the fact that they have replicated this exact look so well is to be applauded. I love it!

And being a premium outing, this thing is getting the full treatment.

And you may notice the opening hood also gets a tampo hit. Well, 2, as it is on both sides. Yes, what is not to love here?

Wait, didn't they detail the engine? That is very weird.

Because they did on the Moving Parts debut in 2024. Very strange. A detail on a core model is being omitted on a premium one. I really was not expecting that. Does it downgrade it? Unlike the Honda, where what was not detailed is visible immediately. This is something you have to open up to notice. For that reason, I am not downgrading this one. Yes, I have strange rules. I am scoring this a 10. I just love it!

Of course, this comes with a matching rear canopy to the body, where the debut was white against blue. But, as we saw, that was how the real one came, so obviously it was going to match.

It is things like this that make me want more premium ones. I am sure there is enough of a market to up the premium content.

And, last up, we get the MB966 BMW M5 Police. A rather surprising addition. This is a vehicle that originally debuted 10 years ago. This year sees Matchbox coming up with a replacement in the basic range, as a new BMW i4 Police is scheduled to arrive later. So, adding this as number 5 seems a little unusual to me.

Of course, it is another Polizei as well. Which is pretty logical as Polizei is German, and the BMW is German.

Don't get me wrong, this is nicely done. I love that they have added some yellow into the standard green or blue that we get.

Which is something that is now seen in Germany. I believe Bavaria (where they come from) has a blue and yellow Polizei design.

But, although it is only a demo at the moment, surely they could have waited a year and given us the i4 Police in this scheme as a premium. I think it would have been much better.

Although, saying that, if they did do the i4 in this design, I will love it for being a matching vehicle. And we all know I love matching looks. Because, as I said, this is a really nice design. I just feel that making it on such an old casting (10-year-old basic) as a premium is wrong. Does that make sense?

Especially as we have seen so many Polizei M5s. So, scoring this is a little awkward. I am giving it a 7. That is mainly down to being an older casting that I didn't feel should have been upped to premium now. 5 or 6 years ago, yes, fine. But, I think it is a little old now to be given the premium treatment, especially with a modern replacement incoming.

I am going to do a dive back, as I feel I wanted to show what else I had mentioned. It debuted in 2015 in a Polizei look.

And in 2016, it saw a second basic range outing, coming in white. This was a standard police design. It also saw an amazing Notarzt design as a Leipzig promotion.

And in 2017, it saw a premium outing in the Best of... series. This was in black, and again saw a Police design. At that time, a premium outing was perfect. It was still fresh. It was still relevant. Now, it is a little dated. But, not dated enough to be a classic. I know there is a 2012 BMW 3-series Touring in the basic range. I do love it. And I do love this casting. I just feel it has been around too long to be given one of the limited premium slots. If they had released this as a core model in silver with a yellow and blue Polizei scheme, I would have much preferred it. But, 20 limited slots? We should have had something fresher!

2018 saw a final basic range outing. This was a cool fire themed red model.

After that, it stayed in mothballs until 2021, when it was given 3 outings in 3 different regional Best of ranges. The German (Polizei), UK (Police) and Russia (полиция) designs.

And 2022 saw another Polizei, as part of the Autobahn Express III 5-pack.

With the last new design being in a 2023 9-pack, with an Australian themed police design.

Which means that this is the 4th Polizei out of 11 designs. And one of the others was a limited edition promotion.

Including that promo, this is only the third to receive a full tampo treatment as a premium vehicle. I honestly feel that premium vehicles should be fresher castings. Not something that is a good decade old.

And, as this is design number 11 in year 11, it has not been overly used. Especially with that 2 year gap in the middle. And, honestly, this is not me saying retire it. I am not advocating retiring the casting. I just think it is no longer as a point where it can be considered to be upped to premium. I think a few more core outings are still within its grasp. I will enjoy those few more core outings if they appear.

And, on that rather solemn note, I am done with another report. One new casting for this batch, which was a double diecast Merc.

2 utterly incredible Moving Parts models from 2024 debuts, that were given premium outings for 2025 as well. And both possible contenders for design of the year when it comes to the end of 2025.

And 2 basics that got upped to premium that didn't do it for me. One because it is too old now to be considered, and, well, bunny ears!

And as bunny ears and the others head off, I start planning my next report. I think there will be a lot of basic reports, as with 125 models, some of the batches will be split into 2. Until then, I hope everybody has a safe and happy week.


  • David Burgenmeyer

    When and where can I buy these matchbox collectibles? I’m very interested in the vehicles!

  • Troy Campbell

    Another great post. Thank you 👍😎

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